Welcome to the official blog of The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura, an affiliate of the Cancer Support Community! Thank you for stopping by. We’ll use this space to share fresh news, inspiring stories, helpful advice, upcoming events, and anything else we feel will help our readers engage with our cancer support organization and the cancer support community at large. Please keep your feedback coming, via comments, or send us an email.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One Family, Many Lives Touched

David Wank became a supporter of The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura after seeing how much the organization helped his father during his experience with bladder cancer more than ten years ago. David was elected to the Board of Directors of TWCVV in 2003 and has chaired the Building and Grounds Committee since 2006. David’s unwavering perseverance and dedication helped make the Garden of Hope a reality. His wife Tami and their three children, Justin 14, Hayley 12, and Morgan, 9, have all found their own ways to help support the cancer patients and families who rely on TWCVV for hope. David was kind enough to share his family’s story with us.

Your connection to The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura is through your father, who benefited from their services during his fight with cancer. How did TWCVV help him?

I think this could be said best in my father's words. My father, Melvin, was a strong proud man who would not ask anyone for help, yet, he turned to The Wellness Community for support when he found out he had bladder cancer in 1998. In early 2000, after an MRI reported that his cancer was gone (unfortunately this was false), he wrote a note to The Wellness Community. Unfortunately, he was never able to send it.

After his passing I found the note while cleaning out his desk. The note thanks [Co-Founder and VP of Programs] Marty, [group facilitator] Tony, [group facilitator] Peggy and others for their love and concern for him. He goes on and says, “The most important things are love of family, friends, positive attitude, doctors, medicine, and The Wellness Community.” He ends his note by saying, “Tell my fellow cancer patients never give up.”

For my father to thank The Wellness Community for their love and support showed me how important The Wellness Community is in helping others.

What made you go from being an appreciative family member of a participant, to a dedicated supporter of The Wellness Community's mission?

I felt I wanted to help those who helped my father during the toughest battle of his life.

How did you get involved in chairing the Building and Grounds Committee? How did this lead to the idea of the Garden of Hope?

I was asked to Chair the Building and Grounds Committee in 2006. At the time I was one of the only board members working in commercial real estate.

Being in real estate, I enjoy looking at property and figuring out what might make a building more desirable. I always felt that The Wellness Community’s property was underutilized. I was also informed that we could use more office and group space. We knew we could not expand the building so we started looking for different options.

Ken Kossoff, past President of the board, and I thought it would be ideal to utilize the corner of the property and to make the property more functional. At the time the front was just a very big lawn. Both of us were aware of the Cancer Survivors’ Garden in Palm Springs. We decided that it would be ideal to have the front of the building be a nice garden where people could come, sit, contemplate, and relax with an added benefit of having groups and classes outside. With a lot of help from others and a very supportive Board of Directors we went ahead and started what is now the Garden of Hope.

In 2005 you opened your home to the public for the Holiday Homes Tour, one of TWCVV’s largest fundraisers. What made your family decide to take on this commitment?

My wife, Tami, is amazing. When we were asked if we would include our home in the Holiday Homes Tour, we never thought twice about not having it.

Tami and I never decorated our house for the holidays before, so we hired decorators, shopped for decorations, and turned our home into a festive delight. We had a great and unforgettable time. To quote my wife Tami, “It was one of the most gratifying experiences and fulfilling in so many ways. It was very exciting to see so many people enjoying our home. Our children were filled with such pride and a time they will always remember.”

After the Holiday Homes Tour, since our home was already decorated, we threw a holiday party and invited the Board of Directors and friends. We had a donation box and raised money for The Wellness Community

Can you describe how your children have supported TWCVV and encouraged others to do the same?

I am so proud of my children, Justin 14, Hayley 12, and Morgan 9. Each one of them, at their own choosing, decided for some of their birthdays they would not ask for presents but ask their guests to donate money to The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura. Other friends of my children have also done the same for their birthday parties.

What has motivated you and your family to continue being such strong supporters of TWCVV throughout the years?

As with my father, The Wellness Community helps those who are in need. Once you or a loved one has cancer enter their lives you feel lost and alone, not knowing where to go. Having the support of The Wellness Community helps during very trying times. Also, I feel by helping The Wellness Community I can actually see what our time and money go to and how it helps others. It's a wonderful feeling.

Photo Captions: Top - David, Tami, and their two daughters attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Garden of Hope. (Their son Justin is not pictured.) Photo by Judi Bumstead.
Middle: David participates in the ground breaking ceremony for the Garden of Hope. Photo by Jan Hendry.
Bottom: Tami and David participate in the live auction at the 2011 Celebration of Life Gala to benefit TWCVV. Photo by Judi Bumstead.